The republic of Whangamōmona (population 126), was declared an independent republic back in 1989.
The village is located on 'The Forgotten World Highway', a spectacular drive between the towns of Taumarunui and Stratford in the North Island.
The 'Forgotten Highway' leading to The Whangamōmona Republic.
The Republic was created after unpopular regional boundary changes were introduced by the government, that left the local farming community fuming. So they decided to protest by forming an independent breakaway state.
Unfortunately for them, nobody, including the New Zealand government, seemed to have noticed this "insurrection" and that's how the situation remains to this day, one that's no longer taken too seriously by those involved in the original protest.
On arrival at Whangamōmona, visitors are invited to call at the Whangamōmona Pub to have their passports stamped, before re-entering New Zealand again, half a mile down the road when they leave. For $5 you can even purchase a Whangamōmona Republic passport.
Welcome to Whangamōmona.
A past election saw Vicki Pratt elected as the first woman to be declared President of the breakaway state. "I wasn't interested in becoming President" she says, "but I was voted in while I was out of the room, working in the kitchen".
The current President is John Herlihy, serving his third term. Accusations of some vote rigging in the last election have been strenuously denied by John's team, however, demands for a recount of the 126 votes was refused because 'everyone was too busy'.
John Herlihy, President.
Sheep Racing on Republic Day.
The biggest event of the year is Republic Day, held every second January. Activities include swimming with eels, watching dogs round up sheep, sheep shearing and sheep racing.
After your visit to Whangamōmona, it's back to 'The Forgotten World Highway', to enjoy some of the most scenic countryside in the North Island.
The team here at New Zealand Vacations can discuss ways to incorporate The 'Forgotten World Highway' into your New Zealand itinerary and we're confident you'll be pleased that you did.